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How We Help

We offer a full range of product development services, from strategy and design to development and compliance. We can help you at any stage of your product life cycle, from idea to growth and scale.

Product Development

Our U.S.-based team will work with you every step of the way to ensure success. We have decades of experience building successful products for regulated industries. We understand the importance of security, privacy, and compliance.

Health Data Interoperability

Achieving health data interoperability is complex with many technical, organizational, and compliance considerations. We advise clients on data-sharing strategies, interface options, partnership models, and best practices to make healthcare data accessible, shareable, and actionable.

Strategic Advisory

Finding product market fit is what we do, our strategic advisory services have helped countless teams convert technology-enabled service revenue to pure SaaS.

Artificial Intelligence

We help identify use cases for AI that will address key challenges or opportunities, develop strategies for building and implementing AI for health organizations, and advise on choosing AI technologies and partners to work with.

Vendor Selection

With so many vendors targeting human services, it can be difficult for healthcare professionals, office staff, and physicians to keep up and to date or adequately evaluate options and choose partners best for their needs. We help establish selection criteria, assess vendors against requirements, and make recommendations to optimize long-term value and partnership success.